


The Ministry is responsible for upholding the rule of law, driving forward the legal and justice system, and reforming and safeguarding the Constitution so that it serves the public effectively.

It facilitates effective and efficient machinery capable of providing a legal framework for good governance and delivering legal advice and services to Government, its allied institutions and the public specifically through: Instituting or defending civil suits; Legal protection through the registration of Companies, Business enterprises, documents, intellectual property rights, births, deaths, adoptions, marriages and liquidation of business enterprises; Proper administration and management of estates in accordance with the Laws governing succession matters.; General supervision and control over legal practice and professional legal education and legal aid provision in the country.

CLICK HERE to request the MOJCA for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.justice.go.ug




The Courts of Judicature is comprised of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, High Court, and Subordinate courts including Qadhis courts. They administer justice by resolving disputes between individuals, and between the sate and individuals while also interpreting the Constitution and the Laws of Uganda. Through this, the Judiciary is able to promote the rule of law, contribute to the maintenance of order in society, safeguard the Constitution, uphold democratic principles and to protect human rights of individuals and groups.

CLICK HERE to request the Judiciary for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.judiciary.go.ug



The Ministry of Internal Affairs has multiple roles to play that include;

Regulation and facilitation of exit and entry of all nationals, provision of efficient and effective system for processing and management of immigration documents and issuance of work permits to relevant immigrants. It is therefore charged with registering, and controlling and regulating movements of Ugandans and foreign nationals who enter, stay in or leave Uganda.

Through peace building initiatives, the Ministry also grants amnesty, resettles and reintegrates reporters in their communities.

The Uganda National Focal Point on Small Arms and Light Weapons (NFP), a unit within the Ministry is responsible for coordinating all activities geared towards controlling proliferation of SALW within the country and at regional levels.

The Government Analytical Laboratory’s provides specialized analytical and advisory services to government departments responsible for administration of Justice, Statutory Bodies, and researchers and Private Sector

Oversee the introduction of community service as an alternative sentence under the criminal justice system and spearhead its awareness among the general public.

CLICK HERE to request the MIA for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.mia.go.ug



The Police services aims to secure life and property in partnership with public in a committed and professional manner in order to promote development. This is achieved by protecting life, property and other rights of the individual and maintaining security, public safety and order, as well as in prevention and detection of crime.

CLICK HERE to request the Police for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

GIS Map Locations | Website: www.upf.go.ug



The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) provides legal advice relating to the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases. It therefore coordinates and manages prosecution of criminal cases by examining criminal cases before they are registered in court and during prosecutions in court.

CLICK HERE to request the ODPP for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.dpp.go.ug



Ensuring a safe secure and humane custody and effective rehabilitation of offenders is the core objective of the Uganda Prisons Services. It requires the Prisons Service to rehabilitate and re-integrate offenders; administer court imposed sentences; ensure security of offenders. While in custody, the Uganda Prisons Service also protects and respects the other rights of offenders and ensuring that they attend trial and that they are adequately taken care of.

CLICK HERE to request the Uganda Prisons for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.prisons.go.ug



The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) was established under the 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda. The decision to establish a permanent body to monitor the human rights situation in the country was in recognition of Uganda’s violent and turbulent history that had been characterized by arbitrary arrests, detention without trial, torture and brutal repression with impunity on the part of security organs during the pre and post independence era.

Article 52 (1) of the Uganda Constitution lays down the following functions of the Commission:

• To investigate, at its own initiative or on a complaint made by any person or group of persons against the violation of any human right;
• To visit jails, prisons, and places of detention or related facilities with a view of assessing and inspecting conditions of the inmates and make recommendations;
• To establish a continuing programme of research, education and information to enhance respect of human rights;
• To recommend to Parliament effective measures to promote human rights including provision of compensation to victims of violations of human rights, or their families;
• To create and sustain within society the awareness of the provisions of the Constitution as the fundamental law of the people of Uganda;
• To educate and encourage the public to defend this Constitution at all times against all forms of abuse and violation;
• To formulate, implement, and oversee programmes intended to inculcate in the citizens of Uganda awareness of their civic responsibilities and an appreciation of their rights and obligations as free people;
• To monitor the Government’s compliance with international treaty and convention obligations on human rights; and
• To perform such other functions as may be provided by law.

Article 52 (2) also requires the Commission to publish periodic reports and submit annual reports to Parliament on the state of human rights and freedoms in the country.

Articles 52(3) and 48(1) also provide for other functions, powers and guidelines of the Commission.


CLICK HERE to request the UHRC for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.uhrc.ug



The Commission recruits competent Judicial Officers and also carries out civic education targeting the entire public. In addition it researches into the justice system as well as supervises monitors and inspects justice dispensation in Uganda.

CLICK HERE to request the JSC for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.jsc.go.ug



The Uganda Registration Services Bureau is an autonomous statutory body established by Chapter 210 Laws of Uganda in 1998. The Bureau was created to take over the functions of the Registrar General’s Office under the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. The Act came into force on the 16th of August, 2004 and the self-accounting status was granted in July, 2010. The bureau is governed by the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer is the Registrar General.

Section 4(2) of URSB Act stipulates that the Bureau shall, for the purpose of achieving its objectives, have the following functions:-

Carry out all registrations required under the relevant laws;

Maintain registers, data and records on registrations affected by the bureau and to act as a clearing house for information and data   on those registrations;

Evaluate from time to time the practicability and efficacy of the relevant laws and advise the Government accordingly;

Carry on research and also disseminate research findings in the fields covered by the relevant laws through seminars, workshops, publications or other means and to recommend to the Government any improvements in the relevant laws appearing to the Bureau to be required as a result;

Charge fees for any services performed by the Bureau;

Perform any other function or to carry out such other activity as may be conducive or incidental to the efficient discharge of its objects or as the Minister may, by statutory instrument, direct;

Act as the agent of the Uganda Revenue Authority in the collection of stamp duty under the Stamps Act in respect of any documents or other matter on or in respect of which stamp duty is required to be paid and connected with the functions of the bureau under this Act;

CLICK HERE to request URSB for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.ursb.go.ug



The Commission constantly studies and reviews the Acts and other laws of Uganda with a view to making recommendations for their systematic improvement, development, modernization through reform and revision. This aims to establish an up to date and adequate legislative environment..

 CLICK HERE to request the ULRC for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

Website: www.ulrc.go.ug



The National Identification and Registration Authority is mandated by the Registration of Persons Act 2015 to carry out different functions.  On the other hand, Vision 2040 reiterates Uganda’s desire to have world-class infrastructure and services, and modern technology to improve productivity and production. Against this background, the core services of the National Identification and Registration Authority are:

a) National Identification

b) Alien Identification and registration services (This is yet to commence)

c) Birth Registration

d) Death Registration

e) Adoption Orders registration and certification

f) Replacement of Lost Card, damaged and defaced IDs

g) Change of particulars on NIDs

h) Confirmation of information in the register

i) Access and use of information in the register


WEBSITE: www.nira.go.ug



The services offered by the Directorate of citizenship and Immigration department can be summarized as issuance of the following;

• Ugandan Passports 
• Special Passes 
• Entry Permits (Work Permits) 
• Dependents Passes 
• Pupils Passes 
• Certificates of Residence 
• Granting of Citizenship 
• Visas


CLICK HERE to request the DCIC for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.immigration.go.ug



The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development in collaboration with other stakeholders, is the leading and coordinating agency for Community empowerment, protection and promotion of the rights and obligations of the specified vulnerable groups for social protection and gender responsive development.

The Ministry is under the political leadership of the Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development, and four State Ministers for Gender and Culture; Elderly and Disability Affairs, Youth and Children's Affairs, and Labour, Employment and Industrial Relations

CLICK HERE to request the MoGLSD for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.moglsd.go.ug



The mandate of the Ministry is to guide, harmonize, mentor and advocate for all local governments in support of the overall vision of Government to bring about socio-economic transformation of the country. The objective of the department of the Local Council Development (LCD) is to provide necessary support to Local Councils for efficient and effective local governance.

Functions of the LCD include;

Designing and developing training and sensitization programmes for Local Councils; Ensuring that vacant posts in the hierarchy of Local Councils are filled, in liaison with the Electoral Commission; To process and advise local governments on ordinances and bye-laws, in liaison with the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs; Assessing and monitoring the relationship between elected and appointed officials in Local Governments; To carry out technical studies on alteration of boundaries of Local Government units as they arise.

CLICK HERE to request the MoLG for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.molg.go.ug



The Uganda Law Society (ULS) is an association of lawyers charged with ensuring high levels of professionalism among lawyers in Uganda. The Uganda Law Society was formed by an act of 1956. The ULS is governed by an executive council with representatives from each of the four regions of Uganda.

The mission of ULS is to improve the professional standards of members of the Legal Profession, and to promote Human Rights, and the Rule of Law in Uganda by assisting the Government and the Judiciary in the Administration and practice of Law for the benefit of the people of Uganda.


WEBSITE: www.uls.or.org



The Tribunal was set up by an Act of Parliament as a specialized court to provide the taxpayer with easily accessible, efficient and independent arbitration in tax disputes with URA. 

This is part of Government efforts to provide a conducive environment to doing business in Uganda so that investors can develop confidence n the economy. TAT therefore enhances taxpayer compliance and smoothen revenue collection in the long run.

CLICK HERE to request the TAT for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.tat.go.ug



The Law Development Center (LDC) was established in 1970 by the Law Development Centre Act, as a government-owned institution of higher learning responsible for "research, law reform, publications, law reporting and community legal services". LDC is managed by the Management Committee which is responsible for policy formulation. The policies formulated by the Management Committee are implemented by the Director through various institutional departments.

CLICK HERE to request the LDC for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)

WEBSITE: www.ldc.ac.ug



Check out decisions of the Centre of Arbitration and Dispute Resolution HERE. CLICK HERE to request CADER for information under the Access to Information Act (2005)



Last updated: April 19, 2020 

The JLOS Development Partners Group (JLOS DPG) comprises agencies that support JLOS through various mechanisms including sector budget support and project support, partly through the SWAP fund. The group has a membership of the European UnionAustriaDenmarkGermanyIreland, the NetherlandsNorwaySwedenUNDPOHCHRUNICEFICRCUNWOMENUNFPA, and USAID. Every two years the DPG chair rotates. To foster coordination among themselves and to keep pace with JLOS developments, the group meets once every month.

The JLOS DPG frequently meets with the JLOS Secretariat and with individual institutions and together they conduct joint reviews and joint M&E visits. The DPG has linkages to the broader Development Partner community through the Local Development Partner Group.

The relationship between the JLOS DPG and the Access to Justice Sub-programme is based on the general GoU-Donor Partnership Principles of 2003. On the basis of the partnership principles, JLOS and the DPG have developed collaboration and co-ordination mechanisms to ensure effective contribution of the latter to the reform process.


Editor's Note

Shinning the spotlight on the fight against SGBV

There is no doubt Sexual Gender-based Violence (SGBV) is a global public health and social-economic emergency with victims being predominantly women and girls. The numbers do not lie. The global economic cost of SGBV has been quantified by the UN Women - estimated at an astounding $1.5T (pre COVID numbers). Uganda spends approximately UGX 50.5B annually on dealing with the effects of gender-based violence (per research by CEDOVIP – a local CSO).

As a result, SGBV has emerged as a critical focus area for the Access to Justice Sub-programme (JLOS) with multiple interventions designed to bring justice to victims and offenders through the JLOS chain-linked model.

This edition of the JLOS Bulletin takes a deep dive into the game changing SGBV special sessions funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) since 2018 and implemented in 25 High Courts and 18 Chief Magistrates Courts throughout the country. These special sessions are responsible for the significant case backlog reduction and turn-around in the finalization of SGBV cases driven by improved investigation, prosecution, and adjudication.

The case for digital transformation of crime management business processes is therefore formidable and needs to be embraced across the entire chain of justice.

Investments in forensic science in the Uganda Police Force have infused technology in management of SGBV cases through improved data analysis to inform SGBV response and prevention efforts, as well as streamlined case management and collaboration between all players. The case for digital transformation of crime management business processes is therefore formidable and needs to be embraced across the entire chain of justice.

In this SGBV special edition, we speak with Justice Susan Okalany who takes us on a remarkable 20-year journey of being at the frontlines of the fight against SGBV: first as a prosecutor and now a judge of the High Court of Uganda. Justice Okalany’s direct, insightful, and unique take on this sensitive subject is both rich and refreshing.

SGBV has many cross-cutting elements and dependencies. This edition explores all the dynamics involved: prosecution of SGBV crimes; human trafficking aspects; the probation mandate and child protection; alternative models (socio-legal approaches) for reducing and preventing SGBV; the nexus between land rights, conflicts and SGBV; and the role played by the media in ending SGBV. And so much more!

We hope you enjoy reading. Send us feedback and let us know what you think. 





Rachel Odoi-Musoke

Lucy Ladira

Barbara Kitui

Edgar Kuhimbisa



Justice Susan Okalany

Lucy Ladira

Andrew K. Mubiru

Jacqueline Okui

John V. Sserwaniko

Barbara Kitui

Grace Chelimo

Brenda Kyomugisha

Rose Aaca

Sarah Kekimuri

Moses Sserwanga

Monica Kyamazima

Edgar Kuhimbisa



Governance and Security Programme Secretariat

Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs

Baumann House, Parliament Avenue

P.O BOX 7183, Kampala

Phone: 0414253207

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.jlos.go.ug


The Sub-programme continues to facilitate an enabling environment for productivity, investment, and competitiveness through enhancing efficiency in settling of commercial disputes by supporting an efficient legal framework and thereby reducing the ease of doing business. In the recently released Doing Business Report 2020, Uganda registered an improvement in the ease of doing business index to 60 from 56.94. The country’s index is still higher than the Sub-Saharan African region average which is at 51.61. The index of the efficiency of the legal framework remained at 3.8 and is expected to improve as levels of automation increase in the Case Management System. Uganda’s index ranks highest in the EAC region.


Access to commercial laws

The rule of law regulates economic activity, defines, and affirms rights and obligations, therefore clarifying to investors the laws and institutional environment for doing business. An efficient and effective justice delivery system is fundamental for poverty reduction and inclusive growth. Critical legislation have been identified for immediate review and reform in line with commercial justice needs for example Land Valuation Law, and the UNRA Act. There are efforts to address the inaccessibility of commercial laws, complicated rules and procedures in commercial justice, non-enforcement of Commercial laws as well as the need to review of legislation and promote business education.


Business Registries

Strategies were implemented to enhance the efficiency of all the business registries, including measures to support integration for better communication between the various registries. The average time taken to register a business improved to 3 hours as well as the level of automation of business registries at 45%. The proportion of Ugandans with National ID increased significantly from 45.2% to 64.3%. The Electronic Chattels Registry (Secured Moveable Properties Registry) was established and is fully operational. However there remains the challenge of ill-equipped Registries, manual work processes in Business registries, limited Staff capacity in e-registry, limited Stakeholder awareness on registration process. The sub-programme must therefore strengthen commercial and civil registries; promote automation and integration of electronic registries to facilitate quick information sharing and collaboration.


Commercial and land dispute resolution processes and institutions

Interventions to revive the Commercial Court as a Centre for Excellence in dispute resolution and strengthen the capacity and operations of the other commercial justice institutions to provide fast and effective dispute resolution in all specialized areas and in ADR must be undertaken. There remains limited roll out of Mediation, small claims procedure and other new initiatives. The sub-programme too must continue to review rules and procedures that delay case and enhance efficacy of Case management.

The Access to Justice Sub Programme seeks to deepen and broaden access to JLOS services through well targeted interventions aimed at enhancing access to services, mainstreaming human rights and gender equality, fighting corruption, and strengthening competitiveness and commercial justice.

Major priorities include:

  • Widening and deepening access to services of JLOS institutions.
  • Eliminating case backlog.
  • Addressing the wider civil and criminal justice challenges.
  • Development and funding of special Programmes to target gender, age, poverty, and other forms of vulnerability.
  • Mainstreaming national priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Innovations to bridge the gap between formal and informal justice systems, whilst being committed to national and international human rights standards.
  • Leverage technology to facilitate data driven decision making to solve justice problems and challenges; empower people to have high quality experiences with the justice system; and create e-justice platforms for information access and break barriers associated with access to justice services.
  • Tackling the growing concerns of corruption and human rights observance.
  • Proactive engagement and reaching out to actors outside the constitution of the Sector.

Human rights observance is a critical feature of Uganda’s governance and the rule of law as emphasized in the Vision 2040. The Sub-programme is focusing on strengthening JLOS institutions to eliminate human rights violations as well as promoting citizens’ rights and obligations within the framework of the National Action Plan for Human Rights.

 A total of 350 out of the 582 (60%) complaints were reported against JLOS institutional staff. The alleged human rights violations reported against JLOS institutions were against UPF (319), UPS (14) and Local Governments (17). The sub-programme adopted a human rights-based approach. 35. There is a 43.9% reduction in alleged human rights violations by JLOS Institutions compared to the 624 cases reported in FY2016/17.

Compliance with the 48hrs rule is still low, the capacity of JLOS human rights structures at service points is still low. There is delayed approval of the Uganda National Action Plan on Human Rights as well as limited enforcement of existing legal and policy frameworks on human rights. There is limited capacity of staff in human rights-based approach and there exist inefficient and ineffective Human Rights case management systems JLOS institutions. There is therefore need to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of Human Rights promotion institutions, build capacity of duty bearers, strengthen treaty reporting and undertake human rights violation targeting.

Human rights violation and abuses are partly caused by lack of information by the citizens about their rights and where to claim for protection. The Sub-programme has commenced the development of a coherent framework that would streamline and further guide knowledge empowerment of the people of Uganda. Specifically, the UHRC and JSC commenced the development of a civic education strategy that will among others support compliance with legal and human rights, provide for platforms for social accountability, re-enforce participatory governance, and foster constitutionalism and the rule of law. Despite the efforts thus far there is still limited awareness on human rights standards and citizens ‘responsibilities as well as limited dissemination of information on human rights.


Fight against corruption

Uganda’s corruption perception index continued to improve from 0.24 to 0.26 and the clearance rate of corruption cases by the Anti-Corruption Division (ACD) increased from 96% in 2016/17 to 97.7% in 2019 while the clearance rate of complaints against lawyers, police and JLOS officers increased from 75% in 2016/17 to 97.7% in 2019.

The implementation of the Sub-programme anti-corruption strategy is largely on track. There is effort to asset recovery by the ODPP for restraining properties of officers implicated in corruption cases. Consequently, 7% of the value of proceeds of crimes was recovered vis-à-vis the set target of 20%. 39. The low performance was due to; on-going valuation process of some properties, high cost of valuation, understaffing in Government Valuation Department. There is however need for a comprehensive asset recovery framework, de-concentration of ACD service to regional level and up-country stations; promote automation; fast track enactment of relevant legislation and strengthen the anti-corruption forum.

The Embassy of Ireland has announced Irish Aid Fellowship Training Program (IFTP) opportunities for 2024/2025. The IFTP funds a number of scholarships for study at master's Level in the Republic of Ireland offered in Irish universities. Justice, Law and Order Sector member institutions are beneficiaries of the IFTP with special consideration given to applicants working in disadvantaged regions. Females are highly encouraged to apply.

The deadline for submission of applications is Sunday, 31st July 2023.

For more information on the 2024/2025 IAFTP (application guidelines, the application form and directory of eligible post graduate programs), visit: https://www.irishaidfellowships.ie/strands/fellowship-training-programme.



KAMPALA —Uganda has officially joined the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) an Intergovernmental Organization dedicated to the promotion of the rule of law as its 37th Member Party on October 4, 2019.

This was after the Ambassador of Uganda to Italy, H.E. Elizabeth Napeyok deposited the instrument of accession at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Rome.

Speaking on behalf of the government of Uganda, during a meeting with the Director-General ahead of the accession, Prime Minister Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda, reiterated that Uganda’s decision to become a Member Party of IDLO is principally based on similar pursuits, objectives and aspirations to promote justice and development.”




Published: October 7, 2019

The JLOS Secretariat is the axis around which the Access to Justice (A2J) sub-Programme (JLOS) / Governance and Security Programme (GSP) results rotate.  The current A2J/GSP Secretariat is also designated as the Governance and Security Programme Secretariat undertaking coordination of the programme. The secretariat roles include, but not be limited to the following.

    1. Programme Implementation Action Plan (PIAP) implementation with Programme and institutional targets; and timelines for delivery
    2. Develop for approval of the Programme technical working group an annual Activity Calendar (including a planning and budgeting calendar) 
    3. Coordinate and resource the programme technical working group in the development of performance standards for institutions participating in the Program including planning; implementation; monitoring; reporting; quality assurance and participation in processes.
    4. Support the process of annual target setting; integration of targets into Program -institutional participation MoUs and assure the quality and sufficiency of the targets to attain and progress the programme results.
    5. Support the programme technical working group and advise on relevance, sufficiency and value for money of proposed activities in the annual Program Plans and the ability of cumulative annual work-plans to deliver the PIAP results.
    6. Support, supervise and assure the implementation of annual plans, budgeting and integration of institutional plans into Program plans.
    7. Support the programme technical working group to supervise and monitor the performance of institutions towards set targets.
    8. Link the reform process on the ground (including the foot soldiers and the demand side); and within institutions with the Program leadership structures.
    9. Support the Programme Technical working group to access other Program innovations elsewhere to through research and innovations.
    10. Facilitate communication, coordination and cooperation within Program institutions and between Program institutions and other stakeholders.
    11. Engage in change management advocacy within the Program institutions.
    12. Provide technical buck stopping to institutions as necessary to attain Program results.
    13. Independent verification of institutional performance in compliance with the Program rewards and sanctions mechanisms.

Senior Technical Advisor/Team Leader drives and coordinates the implementation of the Access to Justice Strategic Development Plan (SDP) / Governance and Security PIAP and is also in charge of results quality assurance. He is responsible for the JLOS day to day operations. The STA provides strategic thinking to the Programme; provides technical guidance in policy, long range and medium-term planning to the Programme. The STA resources and facilitates the operations of the Leadership/Steering Committee, drives the integration of the cross-cutting issues of gender, conflict, poverty and environment; profiling for and ensuring effective responses for vulnerable groups. He is supported by technical advisors and administrative staff.




Ms. Rachel Odoi-Musoke | View Profile

Senior Technical Advisor


Mr. Sam Wairagala

Deputy Senior Technical Advisor/Advisor, Monitoring and Evaluation


Mr. Musa Modoi

Advisor, Human Rights and Accountability


Ms. Lucy Ladira

Advisor, Access to Justice (Criminal)


Ms. Margaret Ajok

Advisor, Transitional Justice (National)


Mr. Tony Odoch Lagamber

Financial Management Specialist


Mr. Edgar Kuhimbisa

Advisor, E-Governance



Ms. Barbara Kitui

Resource Person (Family Justice)


Ms. Grace Chelimo

Resource Person (Land Justice)


Mr. Francis Luswata

Systems Analyst



Ms. Betty Tukutendereza



Ms. Joyce Mukhwana

Administrative Assistant

Rachel Odoi-Musoke is the Senior Technical Advisor to the Governance and Security Programme (formerly Justice Law and Order Sector), where she heads a multi-professional team of advisors working towards improving access to justice and rule of law through institutional development, innovations and reforms.

Ms. Odoi-Musoke is an Advocate of the Courts of Judicature of Uganda of 24 years standing. She holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from Makerere University, a Diploma in Legal Practice from the Law Development Centre and a Master of Laws from the University of the Witwatersrand and additional qualifications in Programme Management and Strategic Planning.

Ms. Odoi-Musoke has vast experience in human rights and advocacy, legal and policy reforms and justice sector reforms having managed reform programmes and worked in the areas of law reform and human rights protection and enforcement. She began her career in legal aid at the legal aid clinic of the Association of Women Lawyers (FIDA) before moving into private practice and later in the field of environmental law. She also worked in the public sector with the South African Human Rights Commission, Uganda Human Rights Commission and Uganda Law Reform Commission, before joining the secretariat of the Justice Law and Order Sector.

She is passionate about the promotion of human rights with particular focus on women, children and the environment. She is also passionate about the arts and sports and continues to serve on various different committees to promote sports and environmental protection in Uganda.

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